09.12.2023, 30.09.2023 20.00 Music Centre De Bijloke Gent, Bijlokekaai 7, 9000 Gent: Apsara and Stéphane Ginsburgh (piano) play the first performance of their new project „Weird Light Music“. Music by Meredith Monk, Moondog, Matthew Shlomowitz, Karen Tanaka, Jasper Vanpaemel and a new composition by Aart Strootman – co-commissioned by De Bijloke. Supported by Stad Gent Cultuur and
12.11.2023, 14.30 Girton College, Cambridge: A Concert for Remembrance Sunday: prepremiere of Marta Gentilucci’s studie for solo recorder, baroque music by Bach, Purcell and others. Tomma Wessel (recorder), Maggie Faultless (violin), Geirþrúður Anna Guðmundsdóttir (cello), Martin Ennis (harpsichord).
20.08.2023, 17.30 Blokfluitdagen Mechelen, Auditorium van het Scheppersinstituut: Apsara (Tomma Wessel, Katelijne Lanneau and Ines Rasbach) perform „Musical Wonders“ with „Explorations in Polytonality and Other Musical Wonders, Volume 2“ by Matthew Shlomowitz (2021), „ABC“ by Jasper Vanpaemel (2021) and ballads by ars subtilior composers da Caserta and da Bologna.
08.07.2023, 20.00 Ryelandtzaal, Achiel van Ackerplein 3, 8000 Brugge: Ines Rasbach is participating in „Grounds“ with ensemble Theano in the context of Kamermuziekdagen Brugge.
17.02.2023, 20.00 Sint-Gerolfkerk, Drongenplein, 9031 Drongen: Apsara participates in „O DEAR LIFE – The world of William Byrd“ of the choir El Grillo, directed by Inge Bollaert, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of William Byrd. Tickets: 18€ / 20€ (incl. receptie), Reservatie: Oorverblindend