15.07.2017, 20.00 Protestantse Kerk, Begijnhoflaan 31, Gent, as part of the city festival ‚Gentse feesten‘, 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
13.07.2017, 20.00 Adornesdomein – Jeruzalemkapel Brugge, Peperstraat 1, 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
25.06.2017, 18.00 Ludwigsfelder Sonntagsmusiken, St. Michael Ludwigsfelde (D), 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
24.06.2017, 17.00 Dorfkirche Motzen (D), 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
03.- 05.06.2017 cydonia barocca opening concert with ensemble Ex Tempore in St.Jakobs in Ghent
09.04.2017, 20.15 Inselkirche Juist (D), 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
16.03.2017 Apsara performing three new compositions at the ‚Voorwaarts maart / En avant mars‘ festival at Bijloke Gent with recorder players Tomma Wessel, Julien Feltrin, Ines Rasbach and composers Frank Agsteribbe, Aart Strootman and Noah Thys.
17.12.2016, 20.00 Ines Rasbach plays Antonio Vivaldi’s Recorder Concerto in C major for recorder, strings and b.c. with Palm Concertino at Schloss Libermé, Kettenis (B)
15./16.12.2016, 18.00 Ines Rasbach plays Antonio Vivaldi’s Recorder Concerto in C major for recorder, strings and b.c. with Palm Concertino at Schloss Dyck, Jüchen (D)
03.12.2016, 11.00 Marktmusik at St.Marien in Winsen/Luhe (D), 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann, played by Tomma Wessel
13.11.2016 Tomma Wessel plays a try out concert with all 12 Fantasies by G.F. Telemann in Sinaai (B)
16./17.10.2016 ‚Den Zaff an’d Zauberflutt‘ at Grevenmacher (Luxemburg) with Traffik Theater (Daniel Tanson, Tomma Wessel, Ines Rasbach)
10.01.2016 Letter Piece Workshop Matrix in Muziekacademie Brasschaat with Tomma Wessel and Shila Anaraki
08.05.2015, 14.00 and 15.00 ‚Den Zaff an’d Zauberflutt‘ at ‚Kléngkonschtfestival‘ Garnich (Luxemburg) with Traffik Theater (Daniel Tanson, Ines Rasbach, Tomma Wessel)
21.09.2014, 11.00 and 15.00 ‚Den Zaff an’d Zauberflutt‘ at Théâtre des Capucins in Luxemburg with Traffik Theater (Daniel Tanson, Ines Rasbach, Tomma Wessel)
06.06. and 17.06.2014 Tomma Wessel records ‚Perplexed Symmetries‘, a piece for tenor recorder solo, by Jeff Nichols at De Bijloke, Ghent
03.05.2014 Letter Piece Workshop, organisation MATRIX, at Music Academie Beveren, Tomma Wessel and Shila Anaraki
30.04.2014, 09.45, 10.45 and 14.15 ‚Den Zaff an’d Zauberflutt‘ at Kiniksbond Mamer (Luxemburg) with Traffiktheater (Manuela Bucher, Daniel Tanson, Tomma Wessel)
29.04.2014, 15.00 ‚Den Zaff an’d Zauberflutt‘ at Centre Culturel de Mertzig (Luxemburg) with Traffiktheater (Manuela Bucher, Daniel Tanson, Tomma Wessel)
20.04.2014, 20.15 Easter concert at the Evangelische Inselkirche Juist (Germany). Performers are Tomma Wessel, Ruth Van Killegem, Ines Rasbach (recorders) and Guy Penson (organ).
02.03.2014 Letter Piece Company performing ‚A to Zzz‘ at Concertgebouw Brugge during Notation festival (with Shila Anaraki, Adam Delacour, Mark Knoop, Ann Saelens, Tomma Wessel)
10.03.2013 Letter Piece Company performing ‚A to Zzz‘ at Concertgebouw Brugge during Notation festival (with Shila Anaraki, Adam Delacour, Mark Knoop, Ann Saelens, Tomma Wessel)
26. and 27.02.2013 ‚De Fluttespiller‘, music theatre for children, is performed at Kulturhaus Niederanven (Luxemburg) with Traffiktheater (Manuela Bucher, Daniel Tanson, Tomma Wessel)
19.11.2012, 17.00 Tomma Wessel and Joan Izquierdo (recorders) perform „temenos“: the first of an ongoing series of concerts developping with Alex Arteaga’s „temenos“ project at Cantre d’Art Santa MoniCA, Barcelona
01.11.2012, 17.00 Tomma Wessel plays Thomas Simaku’s „Soliloqui V“ as part of the World Music Days at Concertgebouw Brugge
27.10.2012, 15.30 Letter Piece Company performs A to Zzz by Anaraki / Shlomowitz as part of the transit festival for new music at STUK, Naamsestraat 96 in Leuven with Shila Anaraki: performer-maker, Mark Knoop: performer-keyboard, Adam De la Cour: performer-guitar, Matthew Shlomowitz: performer, Tomma Wessel: recorder.
26.10.2012, 22.00 Letter Piece Company performs A to Zzz by Anaraki / Shlomowitz as part of the transit festival for new music at STUK, Naamsestraat 96 in Leuven with Shila Anaraki: performer-maker, Mark Knoop: performer-keyboard, Adam De la Cour: performer-guitar, Matthew Shlomowitz: performer, Tomma Wessel: recorder.
12.10.2012, 20.00 Festival van Vlaanderen Vlaams-Brabant: Apsara – Die kleine Kammermusik performs pieces by J.S.Bach, M.Uccellini and T.A.Vitali at Sint-Aldegondiskerk in Ezemaal. Performers are Ines Rasbach, Tomma Wessel (recorders), Guy Penson (harpsichord) and Bernard Woltèche (cello).
29.09.2012, 20.00 Gent Festival van Vlaanderen: Apsara – Die kleine Kammermusik performs pieces by J.S.Bach, M.Uccellini and T.A.Vitali at St.-Laurentiuskerk in Oudenaarde-Ename. Performers are Ines Rasbach, Tomma Wessel (recorders), Guy Penson (harpsichord) and Bernard Woltèche (cello).
CultuurTV – korte reportage van het concert van Apsara op 29 september 2012 in Oudenaarde-Ename
15.09.2012, 20.00 Gent Festival van Vlaanderen: Apsara – Die kleine Kammermusik performs pieces by J.S.Bach, M.Uccellini and T.A.Vitali at Kouterkerk (Koevliet) in Zele. Performers are Ines Rasbach, Tomma Wessel (recorders), Guy Penson (harpsichord) and Benjamin Glorieux (cello).
09.09.2012, 17.00 Letter Piece Company performs Anaraki, Shlomowitz and Johnson at Concertgebouw Brugge as part of open house with Shila Anaraki: performer-maker, Mark Knoop: keyboard, Tom Pauwels: guitar, Matthew Shlomowitz: performer, Tomma Wessel: recorder. Interview with Tomma at 11.30h
08.04.2012, 17.00 Apsara plays the Easter concert at the Evangelische Inselkirche Juist (Germany)
01.04.2012, 11.00 Tomma Wessel joins the recorder quintet B-Five in Bozar, Brussels
16.03.2012, 20.00 CC Stroming, Berlare, Belgium: Soirée X, Shila Anaraki and Tomma Wessel performing Letter Piece Duets (Shlomowitz) and Bedtime Stories (Johnson)
23.+ 24.02.2012 „De Flüttespiller“ with Manuela Bucher and Tomma Wessel (recorders) and Daniel Tanson (narrator) performing in various hospitals in Luxemburg. Organisation Philharmonie Luxemburg
16 + 17.02.2012, 22.00 Minard, Gent, Belgium: Letter Piece Company will premier A to Zzz, an hour-long work for six performers featuring physical action, music, text and light design, with Shila Anaraki, Tom Bruwier, Mark Knoop, Tom Pauwels, Matthew Shlomowitz, Tomma Wessel
02.02.2012, 20.15 CC De Werft, Geel, Belgium: Soirée X, Shila Anaraki and Tomma Wessel performing Letter Piece Duets (Shlomowitz) and Bedtime Stories (Johnson)
11.01.2012, 20:30 CC De Westrand, Dilbeek, Belgium: Soirée X, Shila Anaraki and Tomma Wessel performing Letter Piece Duets (Shlomowitz) and Bedtime Stories (Johnson)